1 - Zenegy Rollups

Saas fairs and events

In order to be used in the SAAS conferences and product fairs, 3 sets of Rollups have been prepared. The rollups were prepared taking into account the current brand design of Zenegy and the visuals are based on statistically most used/demanded features of the app along with the screens that are most self-explanatory.

Zenegy rollups

2 - Zenegy Leaflets

Introduction to Zenegy

In order to provide information on how to set up Zenegy system (for accounting companies and HR) – in addition to the information available on the website of the company several leaflets have been prepared.

The leaflets prepared for Zenegy are on:

  • Function overview
  • Introduction to Zenegy
  • Introduction to Zenegy HR (2 separate leaflets for companies and their employees)
  • Introduction to Zenegy salary system
  • Prices
  • Setting-up Zenegy System

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Zenegy Leaflets

3 -Rådgivninghuset Flyer

Mentorship for students

One of the services provided by Rådgivningshuset is to provide the students with mentorship. In order to achieve this, in cooperation with Niels Brock  Rådgivningshuset arranged guidance and mentorship programmes for the young talents. The bi-fold flyers are prepared in order to announce the upcoming mentorship events that would take place at Niels Brock premises.

Bi-fold flyer