The assignment

An alternative logo for the National Museum of Denmark which composed of 13 museums.

The logo

The symbol of the triangle has been selected, as the triangle is perceived to have various meanings as a symbol, of which many can be directly linked to the National Museum of Denmark. The most obvious perceptions of the triangle as a symbol are: (1) Symbolizing a door (or gateway) to higher wisdom. (2) Representation of the past, present, and the future. Thus the keywords/associations made are (1) Past, Present, Future – harmony, (2) Thought, Feeling, Emotion, (3) Creation, Preservation, Destruction

A point-up triangle represents a strong foundation or stability. The elements of earth and water formed from point-up triangles and the symbols for air and fire are formed from point-down triangles. The uniting of a point-up and a point-down triangle is aimed to represent balance and harmony. Moreover, it is a reference to the complex structure of life which combines the pieces formed and shaped throughout time, namely past, present, and future. NM’s function as the link between the past, present, and future is the main reasoning behind selecting the triangle as the main symbol. The main shapes of the logo form the two integrated letters “N” and “M” short for National Museum. The letters are formed by 13 isosceles triangles – each symbolizing one of the 13 museums, which all form into the overall National Museum of Denmark. Rounded triangles have been used to symbolize “the human” side of the concept. Even though the logo was formed originally as sharp-edged triangles, it has been concluded that sharp edges associate more with calculated, standardized, and fabricated concepts. The logo is predominantly based on Gestalt Principles. Logotype is based on Franklin Gothic Demi.

Grade: 12 (out of 12)

The logo