The New Vacation Act

Web app, Mobile App, Tutorial and Visuals

The project included:

  • Design of the complete mobile app tutorial in cooperation with the Communication and Development teams
  • Mobile interface design for the New Vacation Enactment
  • Web-app interface design for the New Vacation Enactment
  • The brochure for New Vacation Act and the newsletter and social media images
  • New Vacation Enactment landing page mock-up and the visual content including:
    • Hero design
    • Production of 3 short hero videos (Adobe Premiere)
    • Illustrations
    • Iconography
    • A tutorial video (Adobe Premiere)
    • Introduction of the Interface Video (Adobe Premiere)

Web App Interface Design

The project has started with the interface design for the web app. The wen app UI design is prepared in line with the general Zenegy interface design.

Mobile-App Interface Design

Upon completion of the Web App UI, the interface for the mobile app has been prepared based on web-app design.

Mobile App Tutorial Design

Upon completion of UI design both for the web and mobile apps, the mobile app tutorials for several scenarios, which would deliver personalized results for each user, were prepared. The work also included the preparation of the iconography for the tutorial screens.

In addition, the main menu interface on the mobile app was re-designed to include the tutorial button.

Newsletter / So-me Images

Upon completion of the interfaces and tutorial, the marketing studies of the project were initiated. Along with a So-Me video on the New Vacation Enactment, the newsletter and additional So-Me images have been prepared.


The project also included the preparation of brochures to be distributed to the Client Companies and their employees.

To provide necessary information on the Enactment and the introduced new feature of the product to both user groups, separate brochures, planned to be distributed online, were prepared.